Groundbreaking health care
Executive Director of the ITC
Former Swiss ambassador to Israel and Turkey
Ambassador of the European Union to Switzerland and Liechtenstein
Belgium's man in D.C and Moscow
State Secretary in the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Entrepreneur and philanthropist
US/Swiss political scientist
Geneva based US lawyer, and republican
State of current UK politics
Retired US anbassador and leading Democrat member
Second busiest in Europe
Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1999 – 2008.
Why it's good to be unsure
Protecting human rights
Author of 'Bond Behind the Iron Curtain'
Shona McDonald
Former ambassador to Switzerland
President of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
The issue of debt
How the airport and aviation has changed
At the University of Geneva
Defence and security analyst
DG Ecolint
Founder, Editor-in-Chief, NashaGazeta.ch
In 1993 and 2000
The former Commander of the US Army in Europe
Driving around the globe
CEO, ID Quantique S.A.
Bru Pearce has a long and complex story to tell. This is a follow up from April's interview.