Wet summer keeps swimmers away

Marzilibad, Bern (c) Welcome Bern

Far fewer people visited swimming pools this summer than in previous years. The main reason was the gloomy weather at the start of summer.

A hot August was not enough to make up the difference. 

The director of Genève Plage, Christian Marchi, told the RTS that May and June were cold and wet and this month has been freezing.

Figures from other cantons tell the same story.

In Zurich, the total number visiting pools across the canton was 2 million – 400,000 less than last year.

But the southern canton of Ticino showed a more stable number of swimmers.

But the biggest outdoor swimming area in the country remains the Marzillibad on the banks of the river Aare in Bern. It alone had 800,000 visitors.

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