Canton Geneva is struggling to integrate Ukrainian refugees who are in the country under the special S permit – and the federal government wants to know why.
Tomorrow, the federal councillor Beat Jans will visit to try to persuade employers to do more.
Bern is aiming for an integration rate of 45% - but only 14% of Ukrainians in Geneva are felt to have integrated successfully.
Many suggest Geneva is struggling as it has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country at 4.4% and there’s competition from cross-border workers.
The head of the Federation of Romand Enterprises, Ivan Slatkine, says Geneva has specific issues. He complains it takes weeks for Geneva to give a work permit to an S permit holder, but Vaud does it in 24 hours. He also thinks the minimum wage is a hindrance and wonders if Ukrainians struggle a bit more with French than German.