The wealthiest are rich because of mommy and daddy

80% of the 300 richest people inherited their wealth from their parents. 

- That’s the findings of a study by KOF, the Economic Research Centre at the ETH in Zurich, reported by the SonntagsZeitung.

Furthermore, only 8% of the 300 richest Swiss people earned their fortune themselves.

A small minority became millionaires through marriage.

The study also revealed that 90% of the super-rich are men. 

Another study, cited by the NZZ am Sonntag, shows a large gap in the social distribution of inheritances. Three-quarters of heirs do not receive more than CHF 100,000 per inheritance, according to a survey by Marius Bruelhart, professor at the University of Lausanne. 

Only 1.5% of inheritances exceed CHF 1 million. 0.015% exceeds CHF 5 million. 







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