Tenancy law votes later this month

Battlelines are being drawn ahead of the vote later this month to change tenancy laws.

There are two issues to be decided. The first one is on subletting. Currently tenants are allowed to sublet their premises on a temporary basis. The rule applies to homes or business premises. 

But sometimes the sublet may be set at an excessively high price. 

The new law would require the tenant to request to sublet in writing – and the landlord has to give permission in writing. 

The other change would allow the property owner to reclaim the premises with short notice if they can show a clear personal need – either for themselves or family members. 

Owners can do this already, but the new law would lighten the burden of proof.

The referendums were launched by the tenants association ASLOCA which urging voters to say ‘no’ as they feel it weakens their rights. 

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