Switzerland adopts 4 day week


****** APRIL FOOLS ****** Looks like we didn't fool many of you. Congratulations on your keen eye and fake-news-spotting skills!




This could be the last time you work on a Friday. 

After a series of trials with companies across the country, the government says it will be adopting the four-day week from next week. 

Many countries have been experimenting with a four-day week and all report it’s having a positive effect on production and staff contentment. 

The new law will protect the pay of workers – so you will get the same salary. But you may have to work slightly longer hours from Monday to Thursday. 

The move has got the full-throated support of the travel industry.

A spokesman for the Big Joy travel company in canton Thurgau – which specializes in weekend breaks - says he had trouble swallowing the news.

Ben Jobson adds only having 2 days off sucked all the fun out of the weekend – but having three makes all the difference. 

So, from next week Fridays will be part of the weekend. You won’t need to change your phone diary to make sure you remember, Apple and Google say they will make the change automatically. 

But not all are happy. Many members of the right-wing Swiss People’s Party spat out the idea – calling it ridiculous and say it will damage the economy. 



Some of our favourite comments and emails this morning: 


April fools! I know someone who’s fallen for it already!!! - Robert

That is a good one! But what will happen to TGIF? Monday off is much better!! - Anon

The day off arrived a week early as I am not working today. I am off to buy one of those 4 day week watches then make spaghetti for dinner. - Michael

I was so excited about the 4 day week announcement this morning...but then,...as the brain woke up I realised it is 1st April - Toby

Four day week? Is this your April Fool's joke? Chance would be a fine thing... - David

According to Swiss labor law, a minimum one hour break should be observed if the work day exceeds 9 hours. I have suggested our company extend the cafeteria hours to accomodate for the extended breaks. πŸ˜‰ Enjoy your 2 day weekend. - Jeanne

Happy April fools day :) You nearly got me !!!! - Suzi

I spend my whole week listening to the breakfast show in anticipation for Henk to say “Friday is amongst us, best day of the week”. I would be devastated if this didn’t happen anymore. Everyone hates Monday. It seems obvious that the weekend should be Saturday to Monday???? - Elizabeth

Just wondering how WRS will manage with a 4-day week.  Mon-Thur Breakfast Show will go on for an extra hour and we start the weekend schedule on Friday? - Tim

Great April Fools Guys   ....4 day week πŸ€£ πŸ€£ 

Ha ha ha April 1st nice job team.  Have a fab Pizza Friday. - Glyn

 4 day work week - sounds like an April fool's joke. Have you checked out your sources ? Lol - Jerry

Yes, brilliant news, as long as it doesn't mean a 20% pay cut... Happy 1st April Mark & Katt! - Justin

Good one! There going to be so many disappointed folks ! - Barry

4 day week, very confused with this!!! Who does it apply to?? Schools? Mandatory to companies?? April fools!!! πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ - Andrew

Congratulations to whoever wrote this one. This is the best April's fools joke ever committed in the Geveva area since I've been following them starting around 1978 (the Reformers wall carved into the Salève was pretty good too). Very clever and nicely disguised alongside the no mask rules...πŸ˜‚ πŸŸ - Kirk

Too good to be true πŸ˜‚ - Joan

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