Water samples taken in the Rivers Arve and River Rhône have indicated that the concentration of the faecal bacteria Escherichia coli - known commonly as E.coli - has returned to usual levels usually seen during rainy conditions.
Activities in the lake, such as swimming, kayaking and paddleboarding had been strongly advised against in the Arve and Rhône river below Jonction since 12 July when sewage was released from the Ocybèle water treatment plant in Gaillard in Haute Savoie in neighbouring France. Multiple tests have been conducted since, but warnings to avoid the water have continued, until now.
Multiple samples were taken from the Arve on Tuesday 25 July, and the results were released yesterday. The strong recommendation to avoid these swimming spots has now been lifted.
Although this specific event is over, the cantonal water office reminds the public that the water quality varies greatly and it cannot be guaranteed at all times.
The 36 bathing areas controlled by OCEau on Lake Geneva, including the Rhône upstream of the Arve, as well as the Etang de la Plaine, all correspond to the requirements for bathing water. They are monitored from April to October, twice a month and the results are available on the Canton of Geneva's website.