The Federal Council has announced its new rules from the 1st March, and we will be getting some freedoms back.
All shops will be allowed to reopen, although mask wearing stays compulsory and there will be limits as to how many people can be inside.
There’s also a bit more scope for sports training but only for groups of no more than 15 and no physical contact.
Bigger groups are allowed to meet outside – up to 15. But there’s an important difference between a spontaneous gathering and an event.
A club arranging to meet up is listed as an event and so remains banned – but a group of friends agreeing to meet in a park within a couple of hours is allowed. Groups can’t be more than 15.
Younger people have had some exceptions before – and that remains. But the age of what describes a younger person is higher, now anyone under the age of 20 is now included in those exceptions.
The government is still asking people to work from home if possible – and if you do have to go into work, then mask wearing rules remain in place.
But bars and restaurants remain closed – the government says it will make a further decision on that on the 22nd March.