The president Ignazio Cassis has been visiting refugee centres in Poland. He went to Dorohusk, which is close to the Ukrainian border.
The visit was clearly emotional for Cassis as he was moved to tears speaking to mothers with young children.
Travelling with the president was Franz Gruber, the chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee. He shares the president’s feelings, saying ‘we’re not robots – emotion is acceptable’.
Cassis handed out Toblerone bars to the children and examined the centre’s food and medical centres.
He tweeted, in English, he was touched to be at the border crossing and says he’s impressed with the local authorities and the NGOs helping the refugees. He says Switzerland is assisting with humanitarian supplies.
But some politicians worry the clear support for Ukraine is undermining neutrality.
Marco Chiesa, president of the Swiss People’s Party, says Cassis is abusing his position as president and threatens Switzerland’s role as a neutral mediator.