There’s still a major shortage of human organs for transplant and the Confederation is due to start a major advertising campaign to persuade people to allow organs to be used after their death.
It was only 9 months ago voters agreed to a law change of ‘presumed consent’. That will allow doctors to remove organs after death unless the donor has specifically said that they don’t want that to happen.
But the law is not yet in force and the government says that’s unlikely before 2025.
The number of people donating and receiving donated organs has remained steady for the last few years. Last year 164 donations from those who had died were carried out – the year before it was 166.
As part of a new campaign the Federal Health Office has released a documentary telling the story of 18 year old Carina who now leads a full life after getting a heart transplant at the age of 11.
Anyone over the age of 16 can choose to become an organ donor. Under that age, it’s up to the parents.