The single shot Janssen vaccine from Johnson and Johnson will be available in Geneva from tomorrow.
The canton will get over 7,000 doses. Due to the limited amount, it will only be for those who are residents.
Those who wish to have it, have to make an appointment at the vaccination centre in Eaux-Vives – it won’t be possible at the walk-in centres.
It isn’t as effective as the Pfizer or Moderna jab – but does protect against hospitalization.
It’s hoped it will persuade more people to get vaccinated as it isn’t an mRNA drug – but a more traditional vector vaccine. Some have been put off by the new types of vaccine.
It can only be taken by those over 18 and hasn’t been cleared for those pregnant or nursing or immunosuppressed.
But it is only one shot – a vaccination certificate will be available 22 days later.