The A1 won’t be getting a new lane between Geneva and Nyon, landlords won’t have more power to evict tenants – but healthcare will be reformed.
That’s the result of the main Federal votes yesterday – but as expected, all were fairly tight results.
Voters said 'no' to a CHF 5bn project to widen and expand the country’s autoroute network in what’s being widely seen as a slap in the face for the government – which said it was essential.
It was only in the last couple of weeks of campaigning the mood changed – before, polls were suggesting an easy pass. In the end, 52% rejected the idea.
In a less surprising result, 54% of voters didn’t want to hand more power to their landlords. The proposed change would have made it easier for landlords to evict tenants if they needed the property for their own use. It would have been only a minor change, as there is a way landlords can do that, if necessary, anyway.
The idea of making subletting more restrictive was also rejected.
But the people were convinced by the need to change health insurance. It was pitched as a way to get premiums down. It removes the perceived incentive for insurers to admit a patient even for one night as the canton then contributes. Now inpatient and outpatient costs will be shared similarly – the aim is to cut overnight stays. 53% backed the change.