As expected, the government has announced the end of some restrictions and provided a roadmap for the return to normality.
From today the obligation to work from home ends, but it does remain a recommendation. Also today, the requirement to quarantine if you come into contact with someone positive ends. But those who have tested positive will still need to isolate.
Other measures are likely to go before the end of the month – including the need to show a health pass to enter public areas, the limits on the number of people who can meet as well as the obligation to wear a mask. But at the press conference yesterday the health minister, Alain Berset, pointed out wearing a mask is not banned.
He says the cantons will be consulted ahead of further changes in the rules. If all goes well, there could be another major change in rules on February 17th.
Berset, says the end is in sight. He cautions that we can’t celebrate with ‘trumpets and fanfares’ as we will have to continue to live with the virus. But he says the health system is coping despite the very high infection rates. He confirms we seem to be heading to the endemic phase.