Voters in Geneva chose their new senators in the second round of the federal elections on Sunday.
Elected are the incumbent Carlo Sommaruga from the Social Democrats and Mauro Poggia from the Geneva Citizens Movement.
They will represent the canton in the Upper House in Bern for the coming 4 years.
Mauro Poggia, who is the former head of the Geneva Health Department, ousted Green Party member Lisa Mazzone. In doing so he has broken the monopoly the Geneva left held in the senate for the past 16 years.
Highly satisfied with his election, Mauro Poggia insisted on his ability to defend issues across the political divide.
Social Democrat Carlo Sommaruga, expressed his "great personal satisfaction" but also "his profound sadness at not continuing alongside Lisa Mazzone".
Mazzone, who is only 35 years old, criticized the fact that Geneva would now be represented in the senate by two 64 year old men. She has decided to retire from politics.