A man was stabbed to death near Plainpalais in Geneva 9 years ago – and he has just been identified thanks to an Italian TV crime show.
Now it’s known he was named Lamine Diop and was 25 years old. He held joint Italian and Senegalese nationalities.
When he was found in June 2013, he had no papers on him and no shoes. Despite a call to other European police forces – authorities drew a blank.
His family live near Lake Como. Lamine came to Switzerland in an effort to find work. His family thought he wanted space, and so hadn’t reported him missing, that’s why the police in Geneva couldn’t find out who he was.
But after so long and no word – his family did finally go to the police to see if there was any information, which led to his name and face being broadcast on an Italian show which is known to highlight missing people.
His killer was found shortly after his death. He was the former husband of a woman Lamine had been seeing.
The man was sentenced to five years in jail for murder