Large turnout predicted for weekend votes


Voters are going to the polls this weekend to decide on a series of measures, locally and federally – and turnout looks like it will hit record levels.

The main issue sending people to the ballot box is whether the current Covid restrictions should stay in place. 

Based on the number of postal ballots already received – participation will be strong.

In Lausanne, over 27% of voters have sent in their ballots. For the Marriage for All vote in September at this stage, it was 22.4%.

The same is seen elsewhere – in Sion in canton Valais, over 34% have voted – compared to 29.7% previously. 

Other cantons report similar observations. 

Political scientists are divided on what this could mean for the outcome. If the early ballots are from people who don’t normally vote – that would be good for the anti-Covid law campaign. 

But the debate could also be driving those in favour to make sure their voice is heard. 

The high turnout is also likely to benefit the campaign for better conditions for nurses. 

Previous polls have suggested the Covid laws will stay and nurses will win. 

Electoral law now forbids any further polls to be published. 

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