Is Geneva a dead and boring city?
There are more and more who worry the city is moving closer to its austere Calvinist traditions.
Daniel Sormanni, a city councillor says, sardonically, Calvin would be proud.
It’s true that many large events have disappeared, such as the Lake Parade and the Fetes de Genève – with the pandemic not helping.
But also, later this week, new regulations that will force terraces to close at midnight is part of the neo-Calvinist trend.
Former state councillor, Luc Barthassat, says it gives the image of a dead city.
Frederick Hohl, who’s credited for reviving a moribund Fete de Genève around 20 years ago, says it’s important that Geneva does continue to host major events – such as the Cirque du Soleil and international football matches.
But he says communication is lacking. He describes the search for things to do as a bit of an obstacle course – and it’s especially hard for tourists.