Idea to redraw Switzerland

Water Knöpfel's new map (c) Water Knöpfel

A retired financial director from canton Sankt Gallen is petitioning Bern to change the entire political structure of the country.

Under the law, if a citizen petitions the government, it has to be looked at by a parliamentary committee. 

75-year-old Walter Knöpfel wants to abolish the cantons and divide the country into 10 regions. 

He says the current system is inefficient and unfair. 

He asks how can it be right that canton Zurich, with 1.5 million people – has the same political weight as Appenzell Innerrhoden with 16,000.
And then each has its own parliament, police force and courts. 

It’s unlikely the move will find popular support. The idea is not completely new. Voters have been asked in Geneva and Vaud in the past if the cantons should merge as well as those in the two Basels. Rejected every time. 

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