The Federal Council has come down firmly on the issue of foie gras.
It’s categorically against the banning of its import, which is being called for by a popular initiative.
But it does suggest the method of production, force feeding geese, is mentioned on the packet.
Foie Gras is mainly eaten in French speaking regions of the country and the government is at pains not to create a split between the language areas.
That split is clear in parliament in Bern. There isn’t a party line divide, but a language divide.
The Swiss People’s Party member for Zurich, Martin Haab, called for the ban - and he admitted he underestimated the opposition from his French speaking colleagues.
The government says a blanket ban could also trigger retaliation again Swiss exports.
This won’t be going to a vote anytime soon as parliament has not given its position – and it’s not on the agenda for the next session.