It looks likely the government will move to ease coronavirus restrictions significantly by the end of the month.
Infection rates are falling, cases are stable, hospitals have spare capacity and the vaccine roll-out is increasing.
Even the Federal Coronavirus Task Force – normally a body to exercise caution – says it’s pleasantly surprised at the current situation.
While the Federal Council is due to meet tomorrow to make some final decisions, reports suggest the health minister, Alain Berset, is ready to recommend rule changes.
Exact dates are unknown, but it’s thought bars and restaurants will be allowed to open for customers indoors at the end of the month, higher education facilities will be able to teach more students face to face and the obligation to work from home could turn into a recommendation.
There are other issues to be decided. How many people will be allowed in a shop the same time, where will we be able to travel to and what quarantine rules will apply – and will they be different for those who have been fully vaccinated?
The government says it remains on target to fully vaccinate all those deemed at risk by the end of the month.