The canton of Geneva is pondering if it should bring in regulations determining where civil servants live.
Figures show hundreds of state workers live outside the canton – including one police officer who lives in Spain!
But many more are further than may be considered local.
Canton Vaud or neighbouring France isn’t considered problematic, but there are those who live deeper in France or cantons Fribourg, Valais and Ticino.
The city of Geneva now has a rule their workers can’t live more than an hour’s travel away.
One Liberal member of the Grand Council, Pierre Nicollier, openly wonders how 85 police officers who live in Valais can respond to an urgent call to duty.
A spokesman for the police says that many of the officers who officially live outside the canton do tend to stay in Geneva if they are considered on call.
The one who lives in Spain does for 6 months of the year.