Floods and landslides follwed storms

Valais police officer watching the Rhone - (c) Kapo VS

Storms across the country over the weekend triggered further landslides and flooding.

The A9 autoroute between Sierre and Sion was closed as the Rhone broke its banks and covered the road. Several other roads nearby were also closed. 

Authorities evacuated the industrial area in Aigle in Vaud as the flow of the Rhone reached critical levels.

Floods and a landslide have wrecked the Valais village of Saas-Grund – one man is known to have died. The mayor says the sight is terrible.

There’s been similar incidents south of the Alps. The Maggia Valley in Ticino was hit by floods and roads and rail closures. 

Hundreds of workers are helping to clear up – and the army deployed helicopters in the storm hit regions. 

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