End of home working could hit frontaliers hard


With the end of compulsory home working likely in the next few weeks – one group of workers may find they don’t have a choice on whether to go into the office or not - frontaliers.

Many believe companies are likely to be more flexible about home working in the future – even if it's not legally required. 

But those who live in France and work in Switzerland will probably have to go back into the office, even if they don’t want to and the company don't mind.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, an agreement between Bern and Paris has suspended the normal tax laws to allow Swiss based workers to work in France. Normally, they would have to pay French tax and social security. That agreement comes to an end in March – although it may be extended to June. But after that, there is no certainty. 

It would be illegal under French law to even work one day a week at home. 

The Geneva minister for finance, Nathalie Fontanet says she hopes for an agreement to make home working possible for French based workers. 

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