Different Covid rules cause headaches for frontaliers

Bardonnex (c) Marc Mongenet

The different Covid rules in place in France and Switzerland are causing a headache for cross border workers – which rules to follow?

There are no Covid restrictions in Switzerland now – but in France, anyone testing positive has to isolate for between 7 and 10 days. 

But which rule does a cross border worker follow?

For the Federation of Suisse Romande Businesses, the situation is clear – you’re bound by the country of residence. 

So, for those living in France, a positive test means you have to stay home. 

But it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s time off work. If a positive person is symptom free and they can work from home, then they should.

A Swiss company can still ask for a medical certificate if the person wants to be paid, according to the local business federation. 

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