The corona passport will be available in the next few weeks and the government has outlined how it will work.
Exact details are still unclear and the developers are keeping preparations under wrap at the moment, but they told the Blick newspaper the are on track for the launch.
It could be a QR code on your phone or a print out.
The health minister, Alain Berset, says the government is looking at a traffic light system. Red areas would mean a corona passport is mandatory. That’s likely to be for international travel, at major events – such as concerts or sports – and in nightclubs.
Orange area mean a corona passport could be required if the owner or organisers want to apply it. That could be bars and restaurants, gyms and smaller events.
If those establishments apply the rules – then protection conceptions inside could be reduced.
Green areas mean no passport is needed. That would be shops, public transport, offices and schools, as under 16s would be exempt from the passport.
An international agreement is still needed to ensure corona passports issued by other countries will be accepted across the world.