Careful about spreading beetle pest

Japanese beetle (c) Bruce Marlin

The government is asking people to be careful about spreading Japanese beetles.

The insect reached Switzerland for the first time in 2017 – and is now common in Ticino. It’s a voracious invasive species and a major threat to agriculture.

Mass traps were set last year in the canton, and more than half a million were caught. 

Experts say they can spread by hitching a ride in cars and on trains. Those travelling across the alps are being asked to keep an eye out. 

The beetle is about the size of a 5-centime coin and has a metallic colour. They fly between now and September. 

The government says if you see one, catch it and don’t release it. If possible, take a picture and note the plant it was on. 

And then contact the Federal Agriculture Office.

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