The issue of inheritance tax is continuing to cause a dispute between France and Switzerland.
More than 10 years ago France decided a treaty which avoided double taxation on inheritances was incompatible with French law. A proposed new treaty was thrown out by parliament in Bern, as it was decided it was too advantageous to France.
The result is, no treaty is in place.
The issue is being fought by the Geneva MP Vincent Maitre who’s demanding a new treaty be agreed as soon as possible.
He cites a situation faced by two French brothers who inherited CHF 125,000 from a cousin living in Switzerland. It was taxed by both countries, 55% by canton Geneva and then 60% by France. Instead of a windfall, the brothers had to pay EUR 18,000 as the effective rate was over 100%.
The MP points out over 200,000 Swiss nationals live in France, especially in border zones.
Although the tax situation doesn’t depend on nationality. Any inheritance money between the two countries would be taxed twice.