Bar TV ban causes stir

The decision by the City of Geneva to ban bars showing the football on the terraces until the quarter finals is beginning to cause a rift in the municipal council.

The city’s reasoning was that to centralize fans at the fan zone. But the area had to turn people away for the match between Switzerland and Scotland – it has a capacity of 12,000. 

Members of the Liberal-Radical Party in Geneva call it an additional blow to small businesses – especially as recent new rules say terraces must close at midnight anyway. 

That view is also shared by some members of the Socialist Party.

Geneva entrepreneur, Frédéric Hohl, who runs the fan zone says that many bars are showing the games – but with TVs inside, but pointed outwards.

He also points out that it's better business for the fan zone if it’s not full to capacity as people can move about more and they sell more beer. 



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