Any sharp-eyed motorists would probably have noticed there are straight sections on autoroutes across the country where the central separating barrier can be removed easily.
As many may have already deduced those sections can be used as runways for fighter jets, in case of war. The logic being that airfield would be an obvious target for an enemy.
Over the last few decades, no one thought it would be necessary. That was until the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Now the military wants to make sure pilots are trained to use them. The Blick newspaper has unearthed plans to close part of the A1 near the Payerne air base over the summer so pilots can practice landing and taking off on the road.
The last time a jet landed on an autoroute was during an exercise in 1991. The idea was officially dropped in 1995.
If the exercises do go ahead, the road will have to be closed for most of the day, causing traffic chaos.